Selfless Coke

Challenge: A 2013 'Unhappiness Index' report highlighted the country's lowest score in 'Generosity.' Coca-Cola aimed to address this issue. How can COKE promote generosity to spread happiness?

Solution: We devised an activation idea to allow people to experience the joy of selfless giving. Those purchasing a Coke at vending machines were pleasantly surprised to discover that their drink was free. Instead, they were paying for the next person's Coke, continuing a cycle of giving and receiving. To enhance the experience, they could snap a photo with a filter showing them giving a Coke to the next person with a link to upload to social media. Selfless giving equated to more happiness for all involved, fostering a sense of joy and generosity.

My role: Idea and Art Direction
Agency: Leo Burnett (Malaysia)


Snapchat - Voters Campaign


Standup Comedy - Print