Prime Video Channels - The One

Challenge: Prime Video Channels is a new offering that lets Prime members add subscriptions such as Paramount+, HBO, Discovery, TNT sports, MGM and more to their Prime Video catalogue. Considering the newness and the complexity, there still is lack of clarity for the customers.
Solution: We scaled up efforts on Prime Video Channels education with new creative concept offering clarity and desirability which articulated PVC’s benefits. We introduced and successfully tested the ‘All in one place’ value messaging with a multi-title format to double down on communicating PVC’s benefits i.e. convenience of being able to manage all subscriptions in one place and flexibility (monthly plans, cancel anytime).
Results: The campaign that ran in 5 countries drove Prime Video Channels’ value perception (+1.2 pts avg.) in all tested countries and 2.5% increase in starts. Owing to its success the concept is being scoped for replication by the US team.

My role: Strategy | Concept | Script | Direction

Pass Warner Launch - France

Challenge: Warner Brothers Discovery is a well-known brand in France but few know which shows they produce and that they own HBO which produces great shows like GOT and Succession. The challenge was to communicate that all these shows from the house of Warner Brother Discover and HBO (exclusively) are now available on Amazon Prime Video Channels.
Solution: Amazon delivery is a well known service in the customer’s daily life. We used the concept of “Amazon Delivers” to launch Pass Warner that made PV the “Home of HBO” in France and served as priority test market for leaning into and heavily promoting Prime Video as the Premiere Entertainment Destination. Given HBO exclusivity, we ran two dedicated, €1.5MM+ campaigns (Succession Season 4, The Idol) with multiple PVC marketing firsts such as: TV spots, Radio ads, social and OOH. We produced tentpole ATL campaigns in <3 weeks to drive campaign recognition.
Results: Increase in brand recognition (Launch - 40%, Idol launch: 49% vs 29% PV FR avg). Increased interest in Prime Video/Pass Warner  (37%/33% vs 24% PV FR avg) and subscription intent at +33% (vs 26% PV FR brand avg).

My role: Strategy and execution

The Idol Launch - France

League1 / Pass Warne Bundle - France

Channel Bundles - France


Jeep - Print


Minute Maid Global