How Cinthol soap got an entire nation to see bathing differently.

Challenge: The objective was to rejuvenate Godrej Cinthol, a heritage soap brand with 60 years of history, and make it attractive to the younger generation in India, many of whom were unfamiliar with it or considered it outdated. Cinthol required a fresh strategy and repositioning to connect with contemporary young Indians.

Solution: We introduced the concept of 'Alive Bathing,' promoting the feeling of vitality with each Cinthol soap use. The Alive Bathing project began with a commercial showcasing innovative bathing experiences, followed by YouTube channel exploration. This initiative revolutionized bathing perceptions in India.

Subsequently, we launched the 'Alive Bathing Contest' across social media platforms, urging users to create and share their unique bathing rituals. The response was phenomenal, with hundreds of entries and widespread engagement. Winners were rewarded with an adventure trip to the Andaman Islands, turning the contest into a captivating online reality show.

Influential bloggers shared their 'Alive Bathing' experiences, leading to a surge in social media followers and trending status on Twitter. Sales saw a significant 22% increase, positioning Cinthol as a trendy brand for the youth, epitomized by the popular slogan 'Alive is Awesome.'

Results: Results:  1,150% growth in social media fans. 22% growth in sales. 300+ user-generated bath videos.

Effie Awards – Silver in the Consumer Products category
Abby Awards – Silver in the Integrated category
Abby Awards – Silver in the Direct category

My role: Strategy | Concept | Creative Direction


Minute Maid Global


Diageo - Alcobev Key Visuals